Layout: Smile for the Camera

I’ve been busy setting up a new computer the last several days. At almost 4 years old, my previous machine was getting overloaded, and since Mark gets my hand-me-down computers, and the dinosaur he's been using is on its last legs, the time had come to upgrade. I’d forgotten how long it takes to reinstall and reconfigure everything, in addition to figuring out all the little quirks of Windows 7. And I’ve accumulated a lot more files that I needed to transfer! Anyway, I am feeling like I’ve almost got that end of things back under control, so I wanted to come back and share this layout I did last week. :)

This one was for the January 3 - Movie Poster Inspiration challenge. I actually found several posters with this same general layout that I decided to use. Tuck Everlasting is one example.

And here is my layout of my kids in a pre-Christmas photo shoot in our backyard.

camera: Everyday Story Doodles by Lauren Grier
Shabby School Papers by Kim Jensen
fonts: Libel Suit, Segoe Script

That’s it for today! Have a wonderful weekend! :)
